Dear StrategicAlpha Tribe Members,
BSE Smallcap Index has created an Upflag Pattern Suggesting a % Up move from Current Levels. If Patterns sustains, then many of the small caps which are subdued from sometime after 2018 Highs can roar back again. However, Stock Selection is the key as Small caps is such a space, where there is Entry, But no road to Exit due to Liquidity Issues. One should focus only on the Circle of Competence to find some gems in Micro and Smallcap Space.
Value Investing has not worked for a long time around the world, Many Market Pundits are calling it, end of the Value Investing Era, Some People also saying Value Investing is Dead. The popular belief is comfortable investing in So-Called Largecaps/Bluchips in the recent past has been highly rewarding.
The popular belief is against the value investing style, however, I believe that’s where the big opportunity lies. Betting against the consensus can create outsized performance if the underlying thesis is strong and the market discovers the value.
I believe we are in 2003 or 2013 times as far as Discounts in Selective Smallcaps are concerned, even after a lot of stocks have gone up in this Covid Rally. We are at a stage where there is selective Smallcaps where a handful of 10 baggers are Visible.

From the Stocks Point of View:-
Three stocks have come on my Weekly Breakout Radar,
1) Hindalco, 2) Somany Ceramics, 3) Sunflag Iron.
Hindalco and Sunflag Iron are Old Economy Stocks that I track. I believe old economy Stocks will be leaders of the upcoming bull market.
Let’s move forward and see Trade Setups for:-
1) Hindalco
Hindalco has broken out on weekly charts following the Commodity -Aluminum Price Action.
2) Sunflag Iron:-
3)Somany Ceramics
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