5 Important Traits To Have As An Investor

5 Important Traits To Have As An Investor

It is not enough for investors to just analyze stocks well. There are certain key traits that investors need to have to be successful in stock markets. All good investors such as Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, Mohnish Pabrai, etc have certain key traits which have made them successful. Let’s look at some of these traits. […]

Some Things To Learn From Peter Lynch!

Some Things To Learn From Peter Lynch!

Peter Lynch has been one of the most successful investors in America. He was the manager of the Magellan Fund at Fidelity Investments between 1977 and 1990. During this period, he delivered stunning annualized returns of around 29%. In these 13 years, Peter Lynch was able to raise the assets of the firm from around […]

Never Miss A Bear Market In Your Life!!!

Never Miss A Bear Market In Your Life!!!

What is a bear market?  Bear markets are markets where the prices of shares fall – in many cases, quite sharply. There is widespread negative sentiment in a bear market.  Markets tend to follow a cyclical pattern. Bull markets, where the prices of shares rise, are followed by bear markets. Bear markets are again followed […]

Why Does The Stock Fall Immediately After I Buy?

Why does the stock fall immediately after I buy?

Many people have the million-dollar question – Why does the stock fall immediately after I buy? There could be different reasons for the same. Let’s consider a situation when your analysis is correct and the stock falls immediately after you buy.  As an investor, you might buy when there is pessimism. But, this pessimism might […]