Aluminum Ready for a Big Bull Run?? Atleast Charts and Global Liquidity Chase is Saying that!

Dear Strategicalpha Tribe Members, Have been saying from past 1 Year that commodity Bull Run is ahead of us, Usually, Commodity bull runs are started by Gold and Silver, and then it enters into Industrial Base Metals. Aluminum is such a commodity that is gaining popularity over steel. Whoever wants to reduce the weight of […]
Update on Gold and Silver View Shared on 23rd may 2020

SILVER VIEW as on 23rd May 2020 Since Then Silver Moved from 48000 to 71300 Today. Up 46% GOLD View as on 23rd May 2020 Since then Gold Moved from 46000 to 55000 Up 20%. Learning:- If you know how to play value, then you will make money in any markets Join Me On […]
Sold Gold at 53500 to Buy NALCO( Pure Gold) at 33 Rs My View- 3 Years

Dear StrategicAlpha Community Members, I am updating my actions what I took, Gold has been on a Roll Since the Pandemic, However, I would like to be fearful when others are greedy. Moreover, the Reason for me selling gold is, I have a Golden Opportunity ahead which is NALCO, Have Shared my detailed assessment of […]
TechnoValue Trade Oppportunity- Pondy Oxides CMP 172, Upside Open 35%

PONDY OXIDES CMP 172, STOP OF 154, UPSIDE OPEN TILL 232, TIME PERIOD 8 WEEKS, RISK/REWARD:1:3.5 The rationale for the Trade:- TECHNICAL FRONT Pondy Oxides has created a classical Upflag pattern and has broken out of the long-term downward sloping trendline. After a few weeks of consolidation, the stock is poised to make quick up […]